
Children chatter with excitement about getting to drive the mini cars as they arrive for their first day at Children's Village. The hands-on curriculum delivered by specially trained instructors is both fun and informative for our students, who take away important lessons that they remember, hopefully for a lifetime .

Personal safety day teaches traffic safety and what road signs and signals mean as a pedestrian, a bicyclist and even as a motorist. The need for helmets is stressed not only for bikes but also for skate boards, scooters and other motorized activities. Seat belts and car seats for children are also emphasized as is water flotation devices and water safety when boating. Another component of this two-day training, students are taught to respect the risks of being near railroad tracks. 

Other lessons include making good choices when it comes to substances, medications, recognizing that tools are not toys, what to do when encountering unusual items in their path, stranger danger awareness and knowing when to inform an adult.

It's a day away from the traditional classroom learning how to keep themselves and their families safe.

Bicycle safety helmutsBicycle safety, including the use of helmets shown.
Flotation deviceAn officer explains how to use a floation device


Fire safety day includes a visit to 'Pappy's House', a home that caught fire and was donated to Children's Village to show students what heat and smoke damage can do and the need to get out fast. The children practice how to "Get Low and Go" through smoke and how to test for heat on walls and doors to know where the fire is advancing. They practice “Stop, Drop and Roll”, students get to hold and set off a smoke alarm, rehearse calling 9-1-1 and practice answering the critical questions the dispatcher will ask when they call.

Instruction includes the need for fire extinguishers in the home and the risks of electrical appliances, especially those that get hot. Take home assignments are geared to involve the whole family in planning two escape routes from each room in the home and to designate a meeting place outside to make sure everyone is safe. They are also asked to locate and test smoke alarms in their home and make certain that their home address can be identified incase of an emergency.

Inside the burned house kitchenInside the burned house kitchen of 'Pappy's House' where the fire began.
Stop, Drop and Roll Instruction Firefighter Mitchell gives "Stop, Drop and Roll" Instruction.


Downloadable Homework Documents for Review

Children who attend classes at Children’s Village are given fire prevention take home work to get the family involved in their lessons. Safety check-ups are essential to protecting your family in an emergency. Please take the time to create your own home safety plan with your family. Your plan should be practiced annually and updated if you have moved. Below are links to the take home work our students are given and a link for creating your own home safety plan.

